Alanton Baycliff Recreation Center
50th Anniversary – Capital Campaign

2020 will mark the 50th year of Alanton Pool’s existence. In 1970, the Alanton
Civic League accepted the donation of land by the Baycliff Development
Corporation, which gift was contingent on the establishment and successful
operation of a pool for members of the civic league and those residing within
its geographical boundaries, which at the time encompassed what are now the
five neighborhoods: Alanton, Baycliff, Brighton on the Bay, Linkhorn Shores,
and Linkhorn Cove.

Funded by the sale of $300 bonds to Charter Members, the plans called for the
construction of what is now the main pool and a small building where the
current building is. In a few short months, enough capital was raised and
construction began. The pool opened Memorial Day weekend to a barbecue
catered by the Malbon brothers. Through the years, and often with member
labor and donated materials, the pool expanded into its current footprint. The
last significant renovation was in 2002.

Running a pool is expensive, and fifty years is a long time. To celebrate the
upcoming anniversary, we are proud to launch this Capital Campaign to raise
funds to resolve deferred maintenance and improvements. We are seeking to
raise $125,000 to address these items, which include resurfacing the pool;
replacing the pump; resolving a turnover rate issue; replacing the original
retaining wall; roof, slide, and diving board maintenance and repair. Any
leftover funds will be used for additional deferred maintenance items or to pay
down the existing note from our last major renovation.

This community pool is a valuable part of our community. It brings kids and
families of all ages together, provides kids their first job and a sense of
responsibility, and is a welcome respite from the summer heat.
Please consider a generous gift to ensure the continued success of
The Alanton Pool – Home of the Mighty Bolts

Donor Form
Name(s) of Donor(s): _____________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
___________________________, ____ _____________
My preferred contact method is:
___ email: ________________________@__________
___ text: ( ) –
___ phone: ( ) –
___ mail to the address above
I wish to pledge the following total amount: $_________
I will pay the pledge in the following manner (please check):
___ lump sum
___ payments in the amount of $_____ every month for ___ months
I would like to pay my pledge by:
___ check: 1500 Stephens Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23454
___ Venmo: ABRCCapitalCampaign
___ PayPal:

Contact us if you wish to arrange for credit card payment
Thank you for your generous support

Please direct all questions to or text 757-287-0459

Capital Improvements

Resurface the Pool
The pool surface has been patched several times but has not be resurfaced in
many years. This is a very expensive process, in which the pool is drained,
cleaned, and then resurfaced with a skim coat of concrete. We have estimates
and hope to raise enough funds that we can perform this much needed work
starting in the fall of 2019 in time to complete it by April 1, 2020.

Replace the Retaining Wall
Built in the 1970s by Snag Nesbitt, legendary Great Neck football coach, the
wall has stood the test of time. But it is time to replace it. We are looking at
block with brick veneer, and we have several estimates.

Replace the Pump
The pump’s age is a mystery as the plate is so worn as to be illegible. While
the pump does still work, we are exploring replacement and/or adding a second
pump so that we prepared and able to switch over in the event of the failure of
the old one during the season.

Improve the Turnover Rate
The City changed the required turnover rate from 3 times per day to 4 times
per day, or from 534,000 gallons to 712,000 gallons a day. This is a stretch
with 2” return lines. We are looking at adding additional lines or installing a
new, smaller, secondary pump system to boost turnover rate.

Slide, Diving Board, and other Maintenance
We must also perform some needed maintenance on our deep end fixtures, the
roofs need and the roofs over the pavilion and the pump room both need to be