The pool receives a number of requests each year for permission to use the pool. Any member
may request permission to plan and conduct a party, subject to the following conditions, which
vary based on the projected use and are designed to ensure that all members are able to enjoy
the pool.

1. The pool will set aside and reserve 2-4 tables under the pavilion closest to the pool
on request and payment to facilitate small birthday parties. To reserve tables under
the Pavilion, payment must be made in person at the pool with a Manager at least 7
days in advance
2. Flat fee payable by check to ABRC at the time of reservation includes all guest fees
$50 for 1-10 children
$100 for 11-20 children
3. Limit of 20 children
4. Limit of 30 total attendees including adults and siblings
5. Limited to 2-4 tables for 2 hours; the remainder of the pavilion remains open to
6. Payment is required to make a reservation and the available time slots are first
come, first served.
7. Please observe a 2 hour time limit. We will ask all non-members to sign in

Team or other parties for children are available under the same rules as the birthday parties, but
we ask that you pay close attention to your headcount as team parties tend to attract more siblings
than birthday parties. To ensure that we are not over burdening our members, facilities or staff,
we will strictly enforce the size limitations (20 children, 30 attendees, 4 tables) for all parties.
Board approval is required in advance for any parties over this size limitation. The fee for these
parties is $100 per every 20 children. Thank you for your cooperation.

Members may host parties at which all members are invited guests e.g., Tiki Party, Fiesta
Party. The pool welcomes your assistance in planning and hosting member parties, but does
ask that you obtain board approval of the date, time, fee, and proposal. Every effort will be
made to start these parties no earlier than 7:00 and wherever possible the pool will remain open
during party set up. Fees will be constructed in such a manner as to ensure the pool covers its
expenses, at a minimum, and generates revenue, ideally. Please make your proposal to any
board member.

The Board strives to severely limit private functions (those not open to the entire membership),
especially during the summer. Past exceptions have included private parties by longstanding and
contributing members where a significant majority of the invitees were members; or military
retirement parties for members. Board approval is required and should be sought weeks in
If approved, the party will be subject to the following minimum conditions and others
may be imposed:
1. Flat fee of $200 for the space payable by check to ABRC
2. $100 clean up deposit will be refunded if the pool is cleaned before departure
3. Host must be a member and must be present
4. The host must arrange to have a board member or manager on duty with keys to
lock up, and the host must arrange to pay the manager
5. If the pool is not covered for the winter, the host must arrange for and pay at least
two (2) ADULT lifeguards, at least one of whom must have an EMT certification
6. Volume must be reduced at 11 p.m. weekends and 10 p.m. weeknights

The pool reserves the right to close due to inclement weather for the safety of its members, guests,
and employees. The pool will make every effort to work with you to reschedule an event, and will
refund any fees paid to the extent that the pool has not already incurred a cost. There will be no
refunds once a party has started. The Pool is not responsible for any costs, fees or damages
incurred by pool closure for any reason.

Questions? Please contact Pool Manager in person or via email to abrcboltscoach@gmail.com

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